Saturday, June 30, 2012

NEA FAC Minutes June 30, 2012

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Minutes
Annual Executive Board Meeting June 30, 2012
Room 147B Conventions Center 4:00-5:30 PM

I. Call to Order
Tom McLaughlin, President @ 4:08PM as we reacquainted ourselves and waited for lost folks.

II. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
Rich Nicklay, Secretary

Chair - Tom McLaughlin (IA)
Vice-Chair - Debbie Turici (PA)
Secretary - Rich Nicklay (IA)
Treasurer - Oscar Forsman (IL)

Music -
Jessica Fitzwater (MD) Pam Gibberman (CA)
Visual Arts -
Sue Lemmo (PA), Carlos Meikel (CO)
Dance/Drama -
Ginger Fox (CA), Carol Woodman (WA)

Charlie Fry (PA), Jack Rowe (IN)

III. Adoption of Agenda
Moved/Seconded (Lemmo/Fry) w/flexibility

NEA FAC RA Meeting Minutes June 30, 2012

I. Call to Order  Tom McLaughlin, Chair @ 4:08PM
II. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum  Rich Nicklay, Secretary
Executive Board Members
OFFICERS PRESENT:  Chair - Tom McLaughlin (IA), Vice-Chair - Debbie Turici (PA), Secretary - Rich Nicklay (IA), Treasurer - Oscar Forsman (IL)
STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT:  Music - Jessica Fitzwater (MD) Pam Gibberman (CA), Visual Arts - Sue Lemmo (PA), Carlos Meikel (CO), Dance/Drama - Ginger Fox (CA), Carol Woodman (WA)
GUESTS PRESENT:  Charlie Fry (PA), Jack Rowe (IN)
III. Adoption of Agenda
Moved/Seconded (Lemmo/Fry) w/flexibility

Friday, June 29, 2012

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Meetings & June 30 Agenda

Good morning friends in attendance and those watching from home.  We are pleased to remind you that the NEA Fine Arts Caucus will be having a "banner year" at the 2012 RA.  We have new business, will be unveiling our  banners (available for caucus members through the year), selling EVERYONE DESERVES ARTS EDUCATION, meeting with representatives of Arts for Americda and the Arts Action Fund, holding elections and much, much more. 
Please join us at ALL of our meetings that are open to the public and join us on FACEBOOK.  Most of our notices and posting for this year's RA will happen on our FACEBOOK account.  We will be using texts minimally.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Imaginations More Active Despite Less Play Time, Study Shows

Valerie Rodriguez, left, lies still as a classmate outlines her body during
playtime earlier this year at a Head Start program at the George
Miller Children's Center in Richmond, Calif.
—Ramin Rahimian for Education Week-File
from EDUCATION WEEK by Sarah D. Sparks June 26, 2012
Students today may have less time for free play, but new research suggests their imaginations have actually sharpened compared with children two decades ago.

In an analysis published in May 2011 in the Creativity Research Journal and posted online last month, researchers from Case Western University in Cleveland found elementary school children in 2008 were significantly more imaginative and took greater comfort in playing make-believe than their counterparts in 1985 despite having less time either during or after school for free play.

“We did think everything was going to get worse, because if play time is going down, you’d think children wouldn’t be able to engage in play as well as they used to,” said Sandra W. Russ, a professor of psychology, who co-authored the study with Case Western doctoral student Jessica A. Dillon.

“We knew from talking with children that they didn’t play with toys as much as they used to. So we were surprised by the finding, and we think it’s important.”

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NEA Representative Assembly Seating & Microphone Chart

DOULBE CLICK TO ENLARGE  NEA Representative Assembly Seating & Microphone Chart by State

Companies Exhibiting at This Year's Event

Expo Hall Information

June 30 - July 2, 2012 at Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC

  • Saturday, June 30, 9 am – 5 pm
  • Sunday, July 1, 9 am – 5pm
  • Monday, July 2, 8:30 am – 10:30 am
    Featured Exhibitors
Apperson DataLink logo
Apperson Datalink
Apperson creates smart, friendly and affordable solutions for assessing performance and measuring success., Booth #305
BrainPOP® creates animated, curricular content. Our resources include BrainPOP Jr. ® (K-3), BrainPOP EspaƱol™, BrainPOP ESL™, GameUp™, and BrainPOP Educators., Booth #311
Captain McFinn & Friends logo
Captain McFinn & Friends
Captain McFinn & Friends, LLC delivers entertaining and educational stories, songs, apps/eBooks, and bully prevention classroom materials for young children at every budget., Booth #307
Dankso Logo
Dansko LLC
Dansko shoes deliver all-day comfort with a style that’s as unique as you. We know we’re not the only brand in your closet…We just want to be your favorite.
Learning A-Z logo
Learning A to Z
Through six websites, Learning A-Z provides anytime, anywhere access to K-6 resources that help teachers differentiate their Reading, Writing, and Science instruction., Booth #101

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Point, Counterpoint: Should Student Test Scores Be Used to Evaluate Teachers?

Updated June 24, 2012, 2:18 p.m. ET
Wall Street Journal Report: Big Issues in Education
How much to credit—and blame—teachers for student performance is an issue that continues to confound the education field. To what extent is each student's progress directly attributable to the teacher's efforts? What other factors can determine a student's success? Is there a way to measure each factor separately, including the teacher's influence?

These are just some of the questions that surround the issue of whether student test scores should be used to evaluate teacher performance.

Some say it's unfair to base teacher personnel decisions on student test scores. Students have different levels of ability and commitment, and different experiences outside the classroom. No two students get exactly the same amount of parental support.

Others say that student test scores give an incomplete view but provide a starting point, a basic means of comparison. Combined with reports from trained classroom observers and surveys of how students rate their teachers, supporters say, the test scores may be very useful indeed.

Thomas Kane, a professor of education and economics at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the faculty director for the Center for Education Policy Research, argues in favor of using test scores in evaluating teachers. Linda Darling-Hammond, the Charles E. Ducommun professor of education and faculty co-director of the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education, Stanford University, argues against.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Point, Counterpoint: Should All U.S. Students Meet a Single Set of National Proficiency Standards?

Wallstreet Journal--June 22, 2012

The U.S. has a problem: Today's young Americans are falling behind their peers in other countries when it comes to academic performance. What makes the situation particularly concerning is research showing a close link between economic competitiveness and the knowledge and skills of a nation's workforce.

What's the solution?

One school of thought says the U.S. needs to set clear standards about what schools should teach and students should learn—and make it uniform throughout the country. These advocates say our decentralized approach to education isn't preparing students for the demanding challenges they will face in a global economy.

Others say be careful what you wish for. Proposing that all children meet the same academic standards, they say, is essentially proposing a nationalized system of education, where everyone is taught the same thing at the same time and in the same way. The best way to improve student performance, they argue, is to give schools the ability to experiment with different standards, assessments and curricula to see what does and doesn't work.

Friday, June 1, 2012

NEA FAC 2012 Agenda

Monday, June 25
 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
National Council of Urban Education Associations Meeting (The Liaison Capitol Hill)
Tuesday, June 26
 8:00 am -   5:00 pm
National Council of Urban Education Associations Meeting (The Liaison Capitol Hill)
Wednesday, June 27
 6:00 am  -  5:00 pm
NEA-Retired Annual Meeting (Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill)
 8:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Ethnic Leaders Meetings
 9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
National Council of Urban Education Associations Meeting (The Liaison Capitol Hill)
 9:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Resolutions Editing Committee Meeting (NEA Headquarters)
 2:30 pm -   8:30 pm
NEA Student Leadership Conference (Washington Plaza Hotel)
Thursday, June 28

 5:30 am -   4:30 pm
NEA Student Leadership Conference  (Washington Plaza Hotel)
 6:00 am  -  5:00 pm
NEA-Retired Annual Meeting (Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill)
 9:00 am  -  12:00 pm
National Education Employees Assistance Fund Annual Meeting
 9:00 am  -    2:30 pm
National Council of Urban Education Associations Meeting (The Liaison Capitol Hill)
 9:00 am  -  4:00 pm
Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee Meeting
 9:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Joint Conference On Concerns of Minorities and Women (Washington Hilton)
 9:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Resolutions Editing Committee Meeting (NEA Headquarters)
 1:30 pm  -  5:00 pm
National Council of State Education Associations Meeting
 4:00 pm  -  5:30 pm
Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee Meeting with Candidates for NEA Office
 4:15 pm  -  5:15 pm
Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee Hearing
 5:00 pm  -  6:00 pm
Women’s Issues Hearing

Friday, June 29

 7:30 am  -  8:30 pm
Student Leadership Conference (Washington Plaza Hotel)
 8:30 am  -  3:00 pm
Joint Conference on the Concerns of Minorities and Women (Washington Hilton)
 8:30 am  -  6:00 pm
NEA Retired Annual Meeting (Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill)
 9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Candidates Interview Day (Capital Hilton)
 9:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Resolutions Committee Meeting (NEA Headquarters)
 3:00 pm  -  6:00 pm
Board of Directors Meeting (Capital Hilton)
 3:00 pm  -  5:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting
 4:00 pm  - 10:00 pm
National Council for Education Support Professionals Executive Meeting
 Saturday, June 30
Annual Meeting (Delegate Registration and Policy Hearings Begin)
  8:30 am – 10:00 am
Student Leadership Conference
*Student delegates’ arrival to the state delegation meetings may be delayed as the student meeting is in an adjacent timeslot.
  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Registration: Delegates, Successor Delegates and Non-Delegates
  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
  9:00 am  - 11:00 am
Open Hearing on Resolutions
  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting
10:00 am  -  3:30 pm
State Delegation Meetings
  2:30 pm  -  3:30 pm
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identification (SOGI) Committee Hearing
  3:30 pm  -  4:30 pm
Open Hearing: Policy Statement on Teacher Evaluation and Accountability
  3:30 pm  -  5:30 pm
National Council for Education Support Professionals
  4:00 pm  -  5:30 pm
Special Interest Caucus Meetings
  4:00 pm  -  6:00 pm
National Council for Higher Education Membership Meeting
  6:00 pm  - 10:00 pm
Special Guests' Dinner
         ALL DAY
Outreach Service Project

Sunday, July 1
  7:00 am  -  9:00 am
State Delegation Meetings
  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Registration: Delegates, Successor Delegates and Non-Delegates
  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
  9:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting
10:00 am  - 12:00 n
Open Hearing on Strategic Plan and Budget
10:00 am –  4:00 pm
Special Forums/Events
10:00 am  -  4:00 pm
Resolutions Committee Meeting (NEA Headquarters)
12:00 n   -   1:00 pm
Special Interest Caucus Meetings
  1:00 pm  -  3:00 pm
Legislative Open Hearing
  1:00 pm  -  3:00 pm
Open Hearing on Constitution, Bylaws and Rules
  2:00 pm  -  4:00 pm
Elections Committee Meeting
  4:30 pm
Board of Directors Meeting (Capital Hilton)
  6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Human and Civil Rights Awards Dinner (Convention Center Ballroom)
        ALL DAY
Outreach Service Projects
Monday, July 2

  7:00 am  -  9:00 am
State Delegation Meetings

  8:30 am  -  10:00 am

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting

  8:30 am  -  5:00 pm
Non-Delegate Registration

  9:30 am  - 10:00 am
Special Interest Caucus Meetings

10:30 am  -  5:00 pm
Representative Assembly  

       ALL DAY

Tuesday, July 3

  7:00 am  -  9:00 am
State Delegation Meetings

  8:30 am  - 12:00 n
Voting for Officers

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Non-Delegate Registration

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Non-Profit Fundraising Activities

  9:30 am  - 10:00 am
Special Interest Caucus Meetings

10:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Representative Assembly

Special Interest Caucus Meetings

National Council for Education Support Professionals

Wednesday, July 4

  7:00 am  -  9:00 am
State Delegation Meetings

  8:30 am  -12:00 n
Voting on Amendments and Runoff Elections (if necessary)

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Non-Delegate Registration

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Non-Profit Fundraising Activities

  9:30 am  -10:00 am
Special Interest Caucus Meetings

10:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Representative Assembly

Special Interest Caucus Meetings

Thursday, July 5

  7:00 am  -  9:00 am
State Delegation Meetings

  9:00 am  -  12:00 n
Non-Delegate Registration

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Credentials Committee Meeting

  9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
Non-Profit Fundraising Activities

  9:30 am  - 10:00 am
Special Interest Caucus Meetings

10:00 am  -  6:00 pm
Representative Assembly

Special Interest Caucus Meetings