Meeting was called to order at 5:14 PST by Vice Chair, Debbie Turici
Executive Board Members present: Tom McLaughlin, IA, Debbie Turicci., PA, Oscar Forsman, IL, Kathi Zamora, NV, Dan, Caruso, PA, Pam Gibberman, CA
Committee Members present: Rich Nicklay, IA, Charlie Fry, PA, Joe Barell, CA
Absent: Sue Lemmo, CT, Robert Lague, MA, Jack Rowe IN
Oscar moved to approve the agenda, Dan seconded. Motion carried.
Charlie moved, Dan seconded to approve the minutes for 24 October 2010. Motion carried.
There were no NEAFAC updates presented.
Moderated by Nicklay and Fry
Discussion about how to clarify terms, “annual meeting” and “meetings”. It was decided when the changes are proposed at the RA, the proposed clarification can be presented and voted upon. The proposed language would be “annual meeting” to mean the RA and caucus meeting would be called sessions, not meeting.
There was discussion concerning annual audit. The language would be placed in article 2. The audit will be completed prior to the annual meeting. It was decided that the audit will be done by 3 caucus member whot are not officers. They should be NEAFC members who are present at the RA. It is preferred that the report be presented to the officers in March or April. It will be presented no later than the first meeting at RA.
Procedures and duties for officers will be clarified.
VI. Logo Contest
Turricci lead the lengthy discussion. There were several discussions that took place and the decisions are as follows:
• It will be announced in the newsletter
• It is open to members only, in good standing
• Can be submitted as a hard copy or electronically\
• The winning logo will become the property of the NEAFAC
• The design should included the current NEA logo, fine arts caucus and graphics respresenting the fine arts
• The prize will be $100
• The deadline for submission is 1 March 2011
Debbie will chair the judging panel.
Pam moved and Kathi seconded approval of the prize. Motion carried unanimously.
VIII. NEA Performing Arts Task Force
McLaughlin reported on the work done in planning for the December 8, 2010 meeting. A great body of research has been used to help the Task Force design its meeting and agenda. The committee of five will meet twice but will work with each other frequently between the meetings so that the group can accomplish its lofty goal.
IX. NEAFAC Endorsement Process
Discussion was held concerning the questions that will be asked candidates that wish to earn the endorsement of the FAC. The information discussed was from Deb’s document. Some concern was expressed about breaking down some of the questions into too fine an area, and perhaps looking splintered. Also, be sure to include what are you going to do about some of the fine arts educators concerns. Emphasize the partnership of arts and education. It was decided to finalize the questions during the December meeting.
X. Resolutions and NBI’s
McLaughlin, Gibberman and Turricci each have one NBI for the next RA.
XI. NEAFAC Regional Conference Agendas
Lemmo and Turricci will attend Northeast Regional. We will have a caucus at that conference.
Gibberman or Bartell will attend Western Regional. We will have a caucus at that conference.
McLaughlin will attend Midwest Regional. We will have a caucus at that conference.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PST
Respectfully submitted,
Kathi Zamora
NEA FAC Secretary
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