Friday, December 9, 2011

Is it Getting STEAMi Here?

The last in a three-part series, Asia Society's Heather Singmaster questions whether education should get STEAMier.

by Heather Singmaster

Last week Education Week reporter Eric Robelen wrote an article on the case for adding arts to science, technology, engineer, and math—or STEM—education entitled, STEAM: Experts Make Case for Adding Arts to STEM.

It caught my eye because I had just heard the term "STEAM" (the "A" is for "arts") being used in Korea where Tony Jackson and I attended the 2011 Global Education Symposium.
Mr. Jin-Hyung KIM, Director, Global HR Cooperation Team, Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology in Korea, opened the conference by underscoring the importance of well-educated citizens as the engine that drives development and competitiveness. He said, "Great teachers are like the fuel that keeps this engine running."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reources to Implement Arts Skills Map



The Partnership for 21st Century Skills

P21 is a national organization that advocates for 21st century readiness for every student. As the United States continues to compete in a global economy that demands innovation, P21 and its members provide tools and resources to help the U.S. education system keep up by fusing the 3Rs and 4Cs (critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation). While leading districts and schools are already doing this, P21 advocates for local, state and federal policies that support this approach for every school.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Action Steps for Implementing the Arts Skills Map

Suggested Action Steps

 State PolicymakersIf you are a state policymaker, consider using the 21st Century Skills Map in the Arts in some of the following ways:
  • Ensure that professional development professionals at the state level are familiar with the map and how it can be used in schools and districts
  • Use the map as a resource in reviewing standards in the Arts
  • Distribute the map broadly to educators throughout the state
  • Engage with arts advocacy organizations about how the map can support arts and 21st century skills development  If you are a K-12 practitioner, consider the following action steps:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

STEAM: Goals are creativity and engagement

by   Erik W. Robelen
EDUCATION WEEK December 1, 2011

The acronym STEM—shorthand for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—has quickly taken hold in education policy circles, but some experts in the arts community and beyond suggest it may be missing another initial to make the combination more powerful. The idea? Move from STEM to STEAM, with an A for the arts.

Although it seems a stretch to imagine STEM will be replaced in education parlance, momentum appears to be mounting to explore ways that the intersection of the arts with the STEM fields can enhance student engagement and learning, and even help unlock creative thinking and innovation.
In fact, federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation, are helping to fuel work in those areas.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Dear NEA FAC Members,

The latest draft budget bill released last week by the House Appropriations Committee for fiscal year 2012 would zero out the entire $27 million budget for the Arts in Education program.  New York, as the largest recipient of funding through this program, would lose nearly $10 million alone of crucial funding for arts education.

WE NEED YOU TO RESPOND TO YOUR LEGISLATORS.  The draining of funding from Arts Education must end.

Thousands of school children here in New York State, and hundreds of thousands more across the country, gain access to high quality arts programming through this important program.  For many of these students this is the only opportunity they have to participate in dance, theater, music and visual arts education at school.   

Ask your Member of Congress to fight again to save this important arts education program.

Thank you for joining our efforts to save arts education


Doug Israel
Director of Research and Policy

Sunday, October 9, 2011


NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Sunday, October 09, 2011
7:30 PM CST * 5:30 PST * 8:30 EST
I.          Roll Call of Executive Board Members
Chair - Tom McLauglin (IA); Vice-Chair - Debbie Turici (PA); Secretary - Rich Nicklay (IA); Treasurer - Oscar Forsman (IL); Music - Pam Gibberman (CA), Jessica Fitzwater (MD); Visual Arts - Dorian Clouser (TX), Carlos Meikel (CO); Dance and Drama - Ginger  Fox (CA), Carol Woodman (WA); Co-Founder--Bob Lague (MA)

Roll Call of Committee Volunteers
Floor Strategy--Kathi Zamora (NV) & Dan Caruso; Scholarship—Tom McLaughlin (IA), Rich Nicklay (IA), Dan Caruso (MA), Tom McLaughlin (IA); Membership—Jessica Fitzwater (MD) and Shawne Stone (WA); Non-Profit Table—Pam Gibberman (CA) & Jack Rowe (IA); Special Events/Promotional Materials—Tom McLaughlin (IA), Paulett Hahn, Jessica Fitzwater; Newsletter—Steve Dinneno (PA), Shawne Stone (WA); Candidate Endorsement Sarah Tochiki, Sue Lemma (PA); Design a Logo Contest—Deb Turici (PA)
II.         Adoption of the Agenda for 10.9.2011. (attachment

Monday, July 18, 2011


NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Monday, July 18, 2011,
7:30 PM CST * 5:30 PST * 8:30 EST
I.          Roll Call of Executive Board Members
Chair - Tom McLauglin (IA); Vice-Chair - Debbie Turici (PA); Secretary - Rich Nicklay (IA); Treasurer - Oscar Forsman (IL); Music - Pam Gibberman (CA), Jessica Fitzwater (MD); Visual Arts - Dorian Clouser (TX), Carlos Meikel (CO); Dance and Drama - Ginger  Fox (CA), Carol Woodman (WA); Co-Founder--Bob Lague (MA)

Roll Call of Committee Volunteers
Floor Strategy--Kathi Zamora (NV) & Dan Caruso; Scholarship—Tom McLaughlin (IA), Rich Nicklay (IA), Dan Caruso (MA), Tom McLaughlin (IA); Membership—Jessica Fitzwater (MD) and Shawne Stone (WA); Non-Profit Table—Pam Gibberman (CA) & Jack Rowe (IA); Special Events/Promotional Materials—Tom McLaughlin (IA), Paulett Hahn (WI), Jessica Fitzwater (MD); Newsletter—Steve Dinneno (PA), Shawne Stone (WA); Candidate Endorsement Sarah Tochiki (HI), Sue Lemma (PA); Design a Logo Contest—Deb Turici (PA)

Friday, July 15, 2011

New Details Emerge on Duncan's NCLB Waiver Plan

Sunday, July 10, 2011

U.S. House Subcommittee Proposes $20 Million Cut to NEA Funding

from Americans for the Arts

Arts Advocate:
Once again, the budget of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is facing cuts. This morning, a U.S. House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee began the funding cycle for Fiscal Year 2012 by approving legislation to fund the NEA at $135.2 million, which is a reduction of $20 million from the current year. If enacted, it would be the deepest cut to the NEA in 16 years. Please take two minutes to send a customizable message to your member of Congress calling on them to reject these funding cuts.
This budget proposal is disappointing, represents a disproportionate cut, and appears counter-productive to the stated objectives of growing American jobs.
This proposed cut to the NEA is 13 percent below the current funding level, while overall funding in the bill, which includes agencies like the EPA, Interior Department and the U.S. Forest Service, is reduced by only 7 percent. As Americans for the Arts stated during the contentious FY 2011 budget consideration earlier this year, the arts community recognizes the shared sacrifice being asked of all federal agencies to help reduce our national debt and it is willing to do its part.
The arts sector has proven to be resilient as a growth industry and a strong contributor to the economy. NEA dollars are a critical lifeline in helping state and local budgets survive as philanthropic dollars are dwindling. This drastic reduction does not take into account the incredible return on investment those funds generate to federal, state and local treasuries.
It is expected that the House Appropriations Committee will consider this legislation next week, and the full House of Representatives may consider it before the August recess. A message from you now registering your concerns with your member of Congress would be well-timed to arrive prior to these next steps in the appropriations process.
Thank you for your support of the arts! Please help us continue this important work by becoming an official member of the Arts Action Fund. If you are not already a member play your part by joining the Arts Action Fund today -- it's free and easy to join.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

NBI 42--Fine Arts Advocacy--Narrowly Defeated

We will be reintroducing this next summer.
Fine Arts Advocacy Campaign & Advocacy Toolkit

Move that the NEA President designate a group of NEA members representing the Fine Arts disciplines of music, drama/theatrical arts, visual/media arts, dance, at the elementary, middle school and secondary level to create a Fine Arts Advocacy Task Force to develop a year-long “Arts Advocacy Campaign and Toolkit” to promote arts education and arts programs in public schools and foster collaboration between arts educators and classroom teachers.  Implement the unimplemented recommendations of the 2010-2011 NEA Fine Arts Task Force’s recommendations including:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We are pleased to announce that our NEA Fine Arts Caucus Co-Founder Has Been Honored by the NEA and the Fine Arts Caucus at the 2011 NEA Represtative Assembly in Chicago, Illinois—We are Humbled by Your Contributions to OUR Students Bob

Robert A. Lague is a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor's degree in Music Education and a Master's degree in Applied Piano.  He studied Choral Direction with Lorna Cooke DeVaron and piano with Alfred Lague, his father, and Howard Goding.  Alfred, a former RIMEA President, and Bob gave many duo-piano concerts together. 

Mr. Lague was President of the NEC Chorus and a bass from Massachusetts in the Bicentennial Chorus of America under the direction of Lukas Foss.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fine Arts Caucus RA Meeting Minutes 7.5.2011

Minutes of Meeting
5 July 2011

Meeting was called to order by Tom McLaughlin, chair, at 3:07.

Members present briefly introduced themselves.  A sign-in sheet was passed.

Steve DiNenno moved and Dorian Clouser seconded, approval of the minutes.  Motion carried.

Jessica Fitzwater moved and Paulette Hahn seconded approval of minutes for both meetings of July 4, 2011.  Motion carried.

Volunteers were solicited for committees.  The following volunteered:
Logo design contest:  Deb Turici and Cynthia LaMere Kelly
Floor strategy:  Kathi Zamora, Dan Caruso and Steve DiNenno
Scholarship committee:  Rich Nicklay, Dan Caruso and Valeria Winston
Newletter:  Steve DiNenno and Shawne Stone
Candidate endorsements:  Sarah Tochiki and Sue Lemmo
RA non-profit table:  Pam Gibberman and Jack Rowe
Membership:  Jessica Fitzwater and Shawne Stone
Special events:  Paulette Hahn and Jessica Fitzwater

Monday, July 4, 2011

FAC Agenda RA Meeting 7.5.2011

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Working Lunch/Meeting 135N
I.              Call to Order
II.            Roll Call/Introductions
III.           Adoption/modification of Agenda
IV.           Approval of  July 4, 2011 Minutes
V.            Committees
                A.  Audit
                B.  Floor Strategy
              C.  Scholarship Selection
                D.  Design a Logo
                E.   Newsletter
                F.   Candidate Endorsements
                G.   RA Non-Profit Table
                H.   Membership
                I.    Special Events
                J.    Others?
VI.           Post RA 2011 Follow Up
                A.   NBIs 2012
                B.   Directory
                 C.   State Caucus
                 D.  Post RA Survey
                 E.  Thank You letters
                 F.  Concerns/Complaints
                G.  RA 2012 Material (ribbons, pins, shirts, other?)
                H.  Others?
VII.          Membership Updates
VIIII.       Election Results
X.             Announcements/Other
XI.           Adjournment
Submitted respectfully,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

FAC Agenda RA Meeting 7.4.2011

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Sunday, July 4, 2011
Working Lunch/Meeting 135N
I.          Call to Order
II.         Roll Call/Introductions
III.        Adoption/modification of Agenda
IV.        Approval of  July 3, 2011 Minutes
V.         Revision of New Business Item Update
            A.  Fabric of Unionism (Mic Strategy)
VI.        Nominations
VII.      Non-Profit Booth Issues
VIII.     Announcements/Other
IX.        Committee Descriptions
X.         Adjournment
Submitted respectfully,

Tom McLaughlin, NEA Fine Arts Caucus Chair

Saturday, July 2, 2011

FAC Agenda RA Meeting 7.3.2011

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Working Lunch/Meeting 135N
I.          Call to Order
II.         Roll Call/Introductions
III.        Adoption/modification of Agenda
IV.        Approval of  July 3, 2011 Minutes
V.         Vote on proposed Constitution & Bylaws Changes
VI.        NEA Issues
            A.  Barak Obama Endorsement
            B.  Teacher Evaluation & Accountability Policy
            C.  Legislative Crisis Fund
VIII.     Revision of New Business Item Update
            A.  Fabric of Unionism
            B.  Fine Arts Task Force
            C.  Other Issues
IX.        Legislative Agenda Amendments
X.         Non-Profit Booth Issues
XI.        Announcements/Other
XII.       Adjournment
Submitted respectfully,

Tom McLaughlin, NEA Fine Arts Caucus Chair

Friday, July 1, 2011

FAC Agenda RA Meeting 7.2.2011

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Working Lunch/Meeting 135N
I.          Call to Order
II.         Roll Call/Introductions
III.        Adoption/modification of Agenda
IV.        Approval of  6/30 & 7/1, 2011 Minutes
V.         Reading of Proposed Constitution & Bylaws Changes
VI.        New Signage for Non-Profit Booth
VII.      NEA Issues
            A.  Barak Obama Endorsement
            B.  Teacher Evaluation & Accountability Policy
            C.  Legislative Crisis Fund
VIII.     New Business Item Update
            A.  Fabric of Unionism
            B.  Fine Arts Task Force
            C.  Other Issues
IX.        Legislative Agenda Amendments
X.         Non-Profit Booth Issues
XI.        Announcements/Other
XII.       Adjournment
Submitted respectfully,

Tom McLaughlin, NEA Fine Arts Caucus Chair

Sunday, June 26, 2011


NEA RA Schedule

Fine Arts Caucus
Exhibits 8:00-5:00 pm

10-00 AM THUNDERSOUL Screening at the RA Convention Center S101AB3:20 PM 3:20 THUNDERSOUL Screening at the RA Convention Center S101AB

4 – 6:30 pm Fine Arts Caucus Executive Board Meeting
Convention Ctr
Room N135
Exhibits 8:00-5:00 pm

12 – 1 pm Fine Arts Caucus Executive Board Meeting
Convention Ctr
Room N135
Exhibits 8:00-10:00 am

Non-profit exhibits 10:00-5:00

9:30 – 10 am Fine Arts Caucus First Meeting at the NEA FAC Non-Profit Table (if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)

Noon--NEA & NEA FAC Recognition of Robert Lague--RA Stage
2:30-3:30 pm
Fine Arts Caucus Meeting
Convention Center Room N135

6:30-10:00 NEA/NPR Friendship Night FROM THE TOP—Celebrating the Arts in our schools and kicking off our national Arts Advocacy Campaign.
Non Profit NEA Fine Arts Caucus Booth Open  9:00-5:00 pm

9:30 – 10 am Executive Board/First Meeting & Open to All Members
(depends if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)
Convention Ctr

Working Lunch Meeting FAC to be announced on FB and in text messages.  Meetings will be held at an appropriate break in the Annual Meeting. 
Convention Center Room N135

Non Profit NEA Fine Arts Caucus Booth Open  10:00-5:00 pm

9:30 – 10 am Executive Board/First Meeting & Open to All Members
(depends if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)
Convention Ctr

Working Lunch Meeting FAC to be announced on FB and in text messages.  Meetings will be held at an appropriate break in the Annual Meeting. 
Convention Center Room N135

Non Profit NEA Fine Arts Caucus Booth Open  10:00-5:00 pm



9:30 – 10 am Executive Board/First Meeting & Open to All Members
(depends if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)
Convention Ctr

Working Lunch Meeting FAC to be announced on FB and in text messages.  Meetings will be held at an appropriate break in the Annual Meeting. 
Convention Center Room N135

Post RA Executive Board Meeting
Convention Ctr
Room N135

THUNDERSOUL Screening at 2011 RA--Arts Teachers Sought to Speak After Screening

We are at the beginning of a terrific partnership with Anita Merina, NEA Read Across America,  the producers of this film and its director, producers and Jamie Foxx.  NEA Fine Arts Caucus Members, NEA Members and guests have been invited to the films first screen at the NEA RA on June 30, 2011 in Room S101AB on the Convention Center.

We are looking for FAC members/arts teachers/advocates to speak about the importance of arts education after each of the screenings.


NEA & NPR Arts Event FROM THE TOP Used to Kick-Off Our Year-Long Arts Advocacy Campaign

July 2, 2011 * Tickets $7.50 * 6:30-10:00 PM
Arie Crown Theatre, Lakeside Building, McCormick Place
Tickets Available at:  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
7:30 PM CST * 5:30 PST * 8:30 EST
I.          Roll Call was called at 7:32 PM--Members present: Tom McLaughlin, Deb Turici, Pam Gibberman, Andy Pors, Dan Caruso, Kathi Zamora.  Absent: Sue Lemmo, Steve Dineno, Charlie Fry, Rich Nicklay,  Guest--Princess Moss)
II.         Adoption/modification of Agenda (moved by Caruso, seconded by Gibberman, Motion Passed) (attachment 622.1)
III.        Approval of 6/12/2010 Minutes (attachment to follow—item tabled)
IV.        Treasurer’s Report (attachment 622.2) (Moved Caruso, Seconded by Gibberman—Motion Passed)

V.         Final Constitution Approval (attachment to follow—item tabled)
VI.        General RA Communication tools (attachments 622.3-622.5)  VI.       NEA RA Schedule & Mechanics (attachment 622.6) (Moved by Gibberman, Seconded by


A briefing marking Rhode Island’s commitment to fostering innovation through the addition of Art and Design to STEM education and research.

NEA Fine Arts Caucus On-Line Advocacy Kit

Each of the discipline specific arts education service organizations’ websites contain a great deal of information on how to advocate for the arts as a part of education. These sites are a great starting point for finding statistics, research reports, sample speeches, letters and the like.
American Association of Community Theatres

Amendments for Consideration by the 2011 RA

To establish for five (5) membership years (from 2011-2012 through 2015-2016) an additional

NEA Bylaw 2-7.n provides that as of the 2007-2008 membership year, the annual membership dues

Contact: NEA Board of Directors

2. Membership
2-7. Membership Dues.

n. Beginning with the 2007-08 membership year, the annual membership dues of Active members of the Association, as computed pursuant to Bylaw 2-7.a, shall be increased by ten dollars ($10.00), with an additional increase of ten dollars ($10.00) for the 2011-2012 through 2015-2016 membership years. This dues increase shall be allocated to the Ballot Measure/Legislative Crises and Media Campaign Fund.  The annual membership dues of Student members of the Association, as established pursuant to Bylaw 2-7.g, shall include one dollar ($1.00) to be allocated to the Ballot Measure/Legislative Crises and Media Campaign Fund.

Campaign Fund during each membership year shall be available to assist state affiliates in dealing with ballot measures and legislative crises, and forty percent (40%) shall be available for national and state

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Art and Music Learning Emphasize Interactivity, Real-World Relevance

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Problems with Standardized Testing

Need some research to convince policy makers that standardized tests are not the answer and that we should advocate for authentic, performance and alternative assessment?

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Minutes from meeting 6.12.2011

Conference call was held on 12 June 2011.
Members present:
Tom McLaughlin, IA
Rich Nicklay, IA
Charlie Fry, PA
Debbie Turicci, PA
Pam Gibberman, CA
Oscar Forsman, IL
Sue Lemmo, PA
Kathi Zamora, NV

Tom called the meeting to order at 7:45p CST

Saturday, June 11, 2011

NEA FAC AGENDA 6/12/2011

NEA Fine Arts Caucus Agenda
Sunday, June 12, 2011
7:30 PM CST * 5:30 PST * 8:30 EST
I.          Roll Call

II.         Adoption/modification of Agenda (Attachment 611.1)
III.        Approval of 5/1/2010 Minutes (Attachment 612.0)
IV.       NEA RA Schedule & Mechanics

Fine Arts Caucus
Exhibits 8:00-5:00 pm

4 – 6:30 pm Fine Arts Caucus Executive Board Meeting
Convention Ctr
Room N135
Exhibits 8:00-5:00 pm

12 – 1 pm Fine Arts Caucus Executive Board Meeting
Convention Ctr
Room N135
Exhibits 8:00-10:00 am
Non-profit exhibits 10:00-5:00

9:30 – 10 am Fine Arts Caucus First Meeting at the NEA FAC Non-Profit Table (if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)

2:30-3:30 pm
Fine Arts Caucus Meeting
Convention Center Room N135

6:30-10:00 NEA/NPR Friendship Night FROM THE TOP—Celebrating the Arts in our schools and kicking off our national Arts Advocacy Campaign.
Non Profit NEA Fine Arts Caucus Booth Open  9:00-5:00 pm
9:30 – 10 am Executive Board/First Meeting & Open to All Members
(depends if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)
Convention Ctr

Working Lunch Meeting FAC to be announced on FB and in text messages.  Meetings will be held at an appropriate break in the Annual Meeting. 
Convention Center Room N135

Non Profit NEA Fine Arts Caucus Booth Open  10:00-5:00 pm

9:30 – 10 am Executive Board/First Meeting & Open to All Members
(depends if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)
Convention Ctr

Working Lunch Meeting FAC to be announced on FB and in text messages.  Meetings will be held at an appropriate break in the Annual Meeting. 
Convention Center Room N135

Non Profit NEA Fine Arts Caucus Booth Open  10:00-5:00 pm



9:30 – 10 am Executive Board/First Meeting & Open to All Members
(depends if transportation allows leadership and members to arrive in time)
Convention Ctr

Working Lunch Meeting FAC to be announced on FB and in text messages.  Meetings will be held at an appropriate break in the Annual Meeting. 
Convention Center Room N135

Post RA Executive Board Meeting
Convention Ctr
Room N135