Tuesday, January 4, 2011

B-29 of the NEA Resolutions -Gifted, Talented and Special Needs Students

The National Education Association believes that there must be additional educational  arts programs and  services for gifted, talented,and special needs students and  for  and creative students  supports federal and state funding for the education of these students..
All of these students will benefit from  experiencing and exploring their artistic abilities.  The Association also believes that there must be well-developed criteria and guidelines for identifying and teaching these students.  Such identificaiton must be culturally sensitive and must not discriminate on any basis other than the exceptionality being identified.

The Association believes that collaboration between classroom teachers, special education specialists, and arts educators will benefit gifted, talented and special needs students.   Such collaboration will support these students in their efforts to understand and express themselves through the creative arts.

The Association further believes that professional development programs in gifted, talented and special needs education in gifted and talented education must be provided for all appropriate education employees. This professional development should be culturally responsive.

The Association urges its affiliates to promote the development and implementation of such  arts services to for gifted, talented and special needs students and support for all educators working with these students. this special needs population.

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